Exhibition – Studio el Karawan: Deir ez Zor’s Forgotten Faces





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  1. Karawan

    جميع الصور المنشورة من تصوير ستوديو كروان من تصوير والدي وعمي محمد كروان وابراهيم كروان

    All published photos are from Karawan Studio by my father and uncle Mohammad Karawan and Ibrahim Karawan

  2. Karawan

    صورة الشخص الذي يلبس النظارة هو والدي محمد كروان والشخص الواقف بجانب العامود ويحمل مسدس هذا تحسين كروان ابن عمي

    The image of the person wearing the glasses is that of my father Mohammed Karawan and the person standing next to the column and carrying a pistol is Tahseen Karawan, my cousin.

  3. Mohamad karawan

    Amazing article!
    The kid with the 2 pistols is my father.
    Thanks for sharing those photos even though there is some wrong information.
    Unfortunately, probably nowadays the studio is collapsed.

    • Norbert Schiller

      Dear Mohamad,

      Thank you so much for contacting us. We have been looking for additional information about Studio el Karawan as the writer and photo collector, Patrick Goudeau, did not have enough details to fill in the gaps in the article. Our main goal was to publish the article and photos to draw attention to Syria’s heritage which was being eroded by the civil war.

      We are so glad that you have found this article and photo collection and was able to reconnect with your family archives. We would very much like to update the article with accurate information about the studio. Could you please point out the errors in the text and give us more information about the origin of the studio. Who is Aram, the person that Goudeau met in 2003 when he visited Der el Zor and the studio? He claimed that his grandfather, a Syrian of Armenian origin has founded the photo studio. Is that correct? More importantly, what has happened to the studio during the recent conflict? Lastly, do you have any additional photos that you could scan and email us to add to this exhibition?

      Warm regards,

      Norbert Schiller

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