Exhibition – Ibrahimieh to El Obour: Celebrating 120 Years of Brewing Beer

Crown Brewery, Ibrahimieh district of Alexandria, early 1900s

Crown Brewery, Ibrahimieh district of Alexandria, 1920s

Ibrahimieh Brewery, 1997 before closing down

Giza brewery 1997 – 1999 before closing down

The new El Obour Brewery 1999 – 2000

Special thanks to Jens Erik Holmsgaard for his technical contribution to this exhibition. Holmsgaard is a trained brewmaster and was Vice President Technical at Pyramids Beverage Company from 1997 to 2000. He is currently Chief Project and Marketing Manager at COWI in Denmark.




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  1. Marcos Vital

    Thank you very much for bringing back so many memories. I lived in Ibrahmieh in my teens. My mother used to send me to the brewery to buy yeast for her baking. My father preferred the contents of the bottles, but they figured rarely on our table. The family would often sit at a café on the Corniche and there would always be some Stella to accompany the plentiful mezze…

    I have tried to find a beer in the UK that has a similar flavour to the Alexandria Stella, the nearest I found is the Mythos from Greece. I always buy it when I find it, but then Mythos is best served by the sea in Greece…

    I was born in Alexandria in 1944 and departed in 1967.

    Thank you again,

  2. Mario Bughetti

    Extremely interesting . For historical datas , for historical photos and for beerlabels . I am an Italian beerlabels collector of labels from all over the world . I have in collection the 95% of old Stella labels you have published. I am extremely interested to the modern ones published which are missing in my collection. I am interested to find historical datas about breweries in Egypt. I am interested to have link with other collectors of Egyptian labels old and modern. I hope to receive answer from you.
    My name Mario Bughetti . I live in Milano . My WApp +39-347-1528581
    my email booghy55@gmail.com

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